Nice to e-meet you

Since 2019, I have been working for global corporates in three countries (Portugal, Italy and the Netherlands), helping different departments (Sales, Marketing and Recruiting) to achieve constantly assigned goals and targets. My background in navigating diverse markets and driving strategic growth has positioned me as a key contributor within global corporations. Leveraging a robust understanding of various regional dynamics, I excel in crafting tailored strategies that enhance brand visibility and market penetration.
Project Management
Sales & Business development

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My values and principles

The selection of fundamental criteria that guide me along my career and life path and I am applying in every experience.
It is important to be able to maintain an attitude of serenity and optimism in all circumstances. Let yourself be guided by a fundamental concept that I have learnt over the years: we cannot control every element in our lives.
Be respectful
For the lives and choices of others, the rules that are in place, the work of others and the diversity that is characteristic of our times.
I see politeness and courtesy as core values that should be applied in every context. Whatever the challenge, whatever the scenario.

What they say about me

Let's keep in touch

I will gladly offer you coffee or tea if you have a brilliant idea to share.
Where I live now
Amsterdam, Olanda
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